
Importance Of Critical Thinking For Students: Why Does It Matter

Importance Of Critical Thinking For Students: Why Does It Matter

Introduction What Role Does Critical Thinking Play? Since critical thinking enables students to consider and understand their points of view, it is fundamental to learning. This skill helps learners figure out how to interpret the world around them based on introspection and comprehension. Critical Thinking: What Is It? ‍ It is a gloomy perspective that […]


T20 Cricket World Cup 2024 In USA- What, As students, Should You Know About It?

Overview: Did you know the USA has been hosting the T20 cricket World Cup 2024 with West Indies? You might never have heard about CRICKET, Or just heard about it, but don’t know what it is. And like you, many people don’t even know about this sport. Some think this sport is similar to baseball, […]

How to Start a Successful Student-Run Podcast: A Step-by-Step Guide

How To Start A Successful Student-Run Podcast: A Step-By-Step Guide?

In the past couple of years, there has been an amazing run of 800% increase in student-run podcasts. That shows a rich trend of young individuals taking the reins of audio storytelling. So, these students create a lively hub of creativity, and social action and as well survey of wide range of topics. Starting a […]

When Is the Best Time to Publish a Book?

When Is The Best Time To Publish A Book?

You must have heard that “Time is Money.” Well, let me tell you that it is completely true. Time matters in everything, especially in the important decisions of launching a new product or publishing a new book. You know, it’s all the game of timing that leads to the success or failure of something. So, […]

Reorganizing Taxation in US Education: A Comprehensive Approach

Reorganizing Taxation In US Education: A Comprehensive Approach

If you are studying in the USA, then the global tax system might be very confusing to you. And tons of questions pop up in your brain. What is your taxation job return?  In what to file a tax return and in what way to refund tax? How does your visa status impact the tax […]

What is Career Planning and Skill Development

What Is Career Planning And Skill Development?

In today’s dynamic world, career planning and skill development go hand in hand. These are crucial parts that contribute to your personal and professional growth. With technological advancements and the job market evolving, planning your career is paramount. Furthermore, you must learn to adapt to the workplace environment. Career planning and skill development complement each […]

A Free AI Literacy Guide from Google for Teachers and Students

A Free AI Literacy Guide To Teachers And Students

Understanding The Need For AI Literacy The constant deeper penetration of AI in society makes it indispensable that people at least have a certain level of knowledge of its principles and implications. Most often, the complexity of AI becomes a barrier to entry for educators and students. And with the misunderstandings and fears around AI, […]

How do you make online learning resources accessible?

How Do You Make Online Learning Resources Accessible?

Let’s face it! E-learning has taken over the traditional means of education. Now, almost every school has gone online. Well, that’s not a bad thing. You can’t overlook the benefits that online learning provides. From flexibility to time-saving, it aids students in maintaining a perfect work-life balance. However, the only problem is the unavailability of […]

Which online degrees are recognized in the USA?

Which online degrees are recognized in the USA?

Overview: Education is very important we all agree right? But back in time around 5-10 years there was no such concept of online degrees for the students who couldn’t manage the courses on campus. Or for the international students who are willing to study it. But now, fortunately, it is a thing. But students are […]

What is the most important factor to you for choosing to teach with an online learning platform?

What Is The Most Important Factor To You For Choosing To Teach With An Online Learning Platform?

Well, technology is rapidly evolving the world around us, and it has also impacted our education system, right? So, now you don’t have to walk for miles or travel through the buses to reach the institute where you teach. Now, it’s much simpler and more convenient than that. You just have to open your laptop […]