Online Learning Statistics: The Ultimate List In 2024

online learning statistics the ultimate list in 2024


What Is The Meaning Of Virtual Education?

Online learning is remote learning using the internet. It is also known as eLearning or distance learning. Online learning is used in K–12, adult education, and higher education to some degree.

Furthermore, these figures show the current state of the online learning market as well as its expected future development.

There is plenty to discuss. Let’s begin with the most impressive growth statistics for online education.

The way we learn is one of the many things that the internet has revolutionized. Convention centers and schools are no longer the sole places where people may learn new things and develop fresh perspectives. With online education, anybody, anywhere, can accomplish their learning objectives.

And it has already begun. Without eLearning opportunities, the education sector will not exist today. However, especially in light of the epidemic. In the business environment, all the eLearning platforms are regarded as an essential training tool. Additionally, people use online course platforms to learn and earn money on a personal basis. For me, they also give students the option to take online classes for me.

Find the most noteworthy eLearning data for 2022 and beyond by scrolling down.

The Global Market For Mobile eLearning Is Anticipated To Grow At A CAGR Of 20% Between 2020 And 2027. 

At present, the mobile e-learning market has a valuation of US$ 22.4 billion. However, statistics on eLearning indicate that it will persist till 2027.

Because throughout the pandemic, consumers preferred using mobile devices for online learning, the original 14.63% CAGR projection was changed to 20% CAGR.

With a global share of about US$ 6 billion (¼th), the US remains the industry leader for mobile learning.

With a CAGR of 25.1% from 2020 to 2027, Research and Market’s projection indicates that China would, nevertheless, take the lead in the future expansion of mobile learning.

According To 64% Of Learners, Receiving Training Via Mobile Devices Is Crucial.

The market for mobile eLearning is growing, as was previously indicated. In fact, according to eLearning trends, mobile devices will play a major role in directing learning activities in the future.

First off, of the 89% of mobile users that download applications, 50% do so with at least one app that has something to do with online learning.

When you consider that mobile users finish online courses 45% faster than desktop users, it makes sense that smartphones are the preferred learning medium for a large number of online learners.

Furthermore, concerning employees, about 43% claim that mobile learning increases their productivity in comparison to desktop or other official training techniques.

Furthermore, compared to desktop or in-person training, 71% of Millennials say they have a stronger connection with mobile learning.

It’s also significant to remember that 27% of people worldwide only use mobile devices; only 14% use desktop computers exclusively.

This suggests that to witness notable improvements in workers’ skill levels, productivity, and performance, organisations should equip their corporate e-learning programs with cell phones.

Fortunately, about 70 percent of online learning organizations have already optimized their courses for smartphone consumers.

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According To LinkedIn, 90% Of Businesses Provide Online Courses For Employee And Corporate Training.

College students are not the only group with access to the eLearning market. Up to 90% of businesses give their staff access to digital learning resources.

The corporate training sector alone is worth $200 billion, taking into account both online and in-person comprehensive training programs.

According to a LinkedIn analysis, online education is essential for meeting the demands of today’s workforce, which is becoming more and more diverse and multigenerational. This is true for CEOs, people managers, and talent developers in every industry.

In 2018, the most important areas of focus for talent development across global organizations were leadership (74%), communication (66%), collaboration (50%), and other role-specific roles (50%).

LinkedIn’s online learning statistics show that: 68% of workers prefer to complete an online course while at work; 58% prefer to learn at their own pace; 56% will choose to take online courses that their managers recommend; and 49% prefer to take an online course when necessary.

Moreover, 94 percent of workers claim they would stick with a company if it supported their professional development.

eLearning Statistics: Practical Applications:

Completing The Same Subject Through Online Courses Requires 60% Less Time Than Learning It In Person.

This is because eLearning materials are typically 25–30% shorter than in-person instruction. Additionally, learning retention rates from e-learning courses rise to approximately 25–60%, which is significantly greater than the rates from traditional learning—which hover around 8–10%.

Of high school students, forty percent choose in-person instruction, while sixty percent prefer online learning.

Of Customers, 60% Said That They Were Able To Enhance Their Soft Skills Through Online Learning.

In 2017, 35 percent of universities had a program for distance learning.

Before the epidemic, that percentage was 57%. In other words, the answer is that over half of US higher education institutions offer open educational resources.

Before 2020, 4.9 million college students (19.5%) in the US completed at least one online course. Only 3% of students registered for distance learning courses.

Of these, 85% of college students claimed that their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities had improved as a result of their online learning experiences. Furthermore, up to 60% reported that e-learning had improved their soft skills.

According To Science Direct, 57.7% Of Online Learners Believe That Distance Learning Is More Adaptable And Practical Than In-Person Instruction.

The ability to learn at a time and pace that suits them is one of the many significant advantages of online courses. Consequently:

50% of online learners think the setting is more comfortable; 47.1% say e-learning tools have improved their technical skills; 46.1% say digital learning has improved their capacity to concentrate; and 45% say e-learning has taught them responsibilities and self-discipline.

eLearning Statistics: The Business Perspective:


According To IBM’s The Value Of Training, 23% Of Workers Leave Their Employment Because Their Companies Don’t Offer Enough Possibilities For Professional Growth And Employee Training.

Furthermore, this is nothing novel. For instance, according to LearnFiletered’s 2014 research on employee training, 12% of workers quit their jobs because their employers did not offer enough tools for their education.

Nearly 52% of workers nowadays claim to rely on their decision to work for an organization on its learning technologies.

Furthermore, a significant part of Gen Zers and Millennials as well as the generations that followed them anticipate that their companies would give them constant access to online learning opportunities.

Moreover, having access to online classes has advantages of its own. According to IBM’s eLearning statistics, online learning increases employee engagement by 18% and boosts productivity. 

Furthermore, according to IBM’s corporate online learning data, employees who participated in an eLearning program learned five times as much content in the same amount of time as those who participated in in-person training.

Last Remarks:

To name a few, very few instructors thought that learning online was superior to learning in a traditional classroom. However, as online learning gained popularity, people began to see its advantages and shifted their opinions in its favor.

In the business sector, this is also true. The Fortune 500 firms that were forced to embrace online learning platforms due to the pandemic are now providing their employees with the option of online learning.

Indeed, there are a few common issues with online education. But for the most part, it is unrelated to the online learning environment. Rather, the deficiency of resources for obtaining virtual learning

Final words enumerate, not many educators consider online education as effective as classroom learning. Nevertheless, once online learning became a thing, they realized its benefits and changed their perception in favor of it.

The same is the case with the corporate world. The Fortune 500 companies that adopted online learning platforms because of the pandemic are now offering online learning as an alternative to employees.

Yes, there are some prevalent challenges of online learning. However, it mostly has nothing to do with the online education system. Instead, it is a lack of resources for accessing online education